“Drifting” 2023 Acrylic on canvas 15.8 x 22.7 cm
Courtesy the artist and TomuraLee

Date:November 18, 2023 (Sat) ~ December 2, 2023 (Sat), the exhibition ended.


Hiroya Satake was born in 1985 and graduated from Tokyo University of the Arts with a degree in printmaking.

Among the countless sketches, fragments of various shapes and organic images when observing the formations of plants such as nuts and buds, and natural objects. As if to illuminate the landscapes lying deep in his mind, tiny grains of light from the mezzotint technique and numerous droplets of paint spread out into the distance. In the myriad processes of blending light and shadow, he seeks the moment when the artwork takes flight in the real world.

While previous exhibitions only showcased copperplate prints, sensing the roots of the artist’s activities and the connection between techniques in the production process, this time, the exhibition includes various expressions without limitations on techniques, including tableau, mezzotint, monoprint, drawing, and three-dimensional works. Come and see this show, which marks both the culmination and milestone of Hiroya Satake’s work.

Editor’s note

Each object exudes life and personality. It is never tiresome. Like when one picks up a pinecone while strolling through the forest and puts it in a drawer, it evokes a sense of nostalgia.

Exhibition Overview


Exhibition Title:Beyond the Drops of Water
Date:November 18, 2023 (Sat) ~ December 2, 2023 (Sat)
10:30-18:30 (Sat. until 18:00)
Closed on Sundays, Mondays, and national holidays

Admission: Free

Address: 603 Daiichibunsei Building, 3-9-4 Ginza, Chuo-ku, Tokyo
Contact: tel:03-6264-2536 / mail:info@tomuralee.com
instagram, twitter:@tomuralee